Burress & Palmer Genealogy

Southwest Virginia & Stokes County, NC


 Tabor Lane Cemetery, Bluefield, Tazewell County, Virginia, USA

PLEASE NOTE! We are not affiliated with this cemetery. We cannot do name lookups, fix headstones, buy/sell gravesites, do graveside services, enforce cemetery rules, etc. Click on the pin in the map to get driving directions from Google Maps.

Latitude: 37.2628869, Longitude: -81.3464871 | Click to get directions to Tabor Lane Cemetery

Tabor Lane Cemetery is on the north side of Rt. 460 between Tazewell and Bluefield, Virginia, closer to Bluefield. An overgrown wagon road is just to the right of Zion's Hill Baptist Church, a metal, industrial-style building. To find the cemetery, follow the road several yards. After passing a large collapsing building, turn left on a grassy path. The cemetery is on the left under a canopy of trees at the top of the hill.

From John Pratt:
"Down the tree-covered lane, over a locked farm gate, through a marsh, over a barbed wire fence behind the barn, through blackberry thorns, up the hill, and over a four foot fence with no gate."

Cemetery Photos

   Thumb   Description 
Brookman Burress Gravestone
Brookman Burress Gravestone
Cordelia Waddle Burress Gravestone
Cordelia Waddle Burress Gravestone
Mary Ann Repass Burress Grave
Mary Ann Repass Burress Grave

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